Silk Plus - Concentrated liquid laundry softener
Silk Plus - Concentrated liquid laundry softener

Silk Plus - Concentrated liquid laundry softener

  • NCL/82007A
  • Thương hiệu 2
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  • Softeners are an essential element in any laundry washing program. While the obvious function is to provide soft linen which will not scratch when used, NCL’s Silk Plus gives the added advantages of providing some water and stain resistant properties to linen. Such properties are important as Silk Plus is able to assist in reducing the drying time required, especially in the case of towels. Laundry managers are therefore able to plan for a greater production of linen.

    Packaging: 5l & 20l

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Product Features & Benefits:

• Provides excellent softening for both Organic & Synthetic Fibers
• Will not, by itself, yellow white linen
• Completely soluble in cold or hot water
• Provides stain resistance to linen
• Safe & completely biodegradable

Direction for use:

• Introduce Silk Plus only at the final rinse of the laundry cycle at 50-90ml per 45kg of dry load.
• Optimal use pH 6.0-6.5 (use Neutral/ Neutral Plus to achieve the correct pH).
Silk Plus is added manually or via NCL’s state-of-the-art dispensing equipment.


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