Eliminator - Kitchen degreaser
Eliminator - Kitchen degreaser

Eliminator - Kitchen degreaser

  • NCL/81005B
  • Thương hiệu 2
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  • Formulated from a blend of Alkali Reagents, Hydroxy Solvents and Biodegradable Surfactants.
    Eliminator is an ideal multifunctional cleaner. It is able to remove oils, grease, light carbon deposits from exhaust hoods, air filters,
    concrete floors engines and other industrial equipment.
    Eliminator is an ideal maintenance cleaner for kitchens and light industries.

    Packaging: 5l & 20l

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Product Features & Benefits:

• Easily dissolves and emulsifies dirt and soil
• Rinses freely without the problem of film formation
• Non-toxic, non-flammable
• Biodegradable

Direction for use:

Use Eliminator in either:
• Spray & Wipe: Use at 1:10 dilution
• Soak Cleaning: Use at 1:30 dilution
Dilution will vary with the nature of the soil & water condition.

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