CB 96 - Heavy duty CIP ACID cleaner
CB 96 - Heavy duty CIP ACID cleaner

CB 96 - Heavy duty CIP ACID cleaner

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  • CB 96 is a clear, colorless, mobile liquid with Nitric Acid odor. It is a mixture of inorganic acid and corrosion inhibitor, good wetting and high effective cleaning.
    CB 96 is used for the CIP removal of milkstone and other organic or inorganic scale from stainless steel equipment.

    Packaging: 5l & 20l

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Product Features & Benefits:

• CB 96 incorporates a blend of Acid and sSurfactant quickly penetrate and remove
milkstone and scale deposits from stainless steel vessels and pipe work.
• Concentrated to reduce dose rates.
• Low-foaming to maximize CIP cleaning action

Direction for use:


Make up a solution of CB 96 at 0.5% to 1.5% nitric acid and heat to 65°C to 80oC. Circulate through pipework or via CIP sprayballs for 15 to 30 minutes. Inspect surfaces being cleaned and rinse with cold water. Where heavy scale deposits have built up over a period of time, a second application may be necessary.


Make up a solution of CB 96 at 0.2% to 0.5% nitric acid. Circulate through pipework or via CIP sprayballs for 5 to 10 minutes at 65°C to 80°C. Rinse with cold water.

Diluting CB 96 in the water in any ratio,up to 1:50 at room temperature to remove scale and rust for machinery by letting the chemical solution come into contact with the surface in 5 minutes. Depending on the dilution ratio with water and the level of scale and rust, the contact time can be up to 24 hours. Rinse again with water after checking the surface. Neutral pH is recommended for equipment and machinery in the food industry

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